Fireside Stories

The Brief

Design a deck of cards that follows a theme while analyzing a typeform.


Ideas and Moodboards

Fireside Stories

I decided to go with the theme Fireside stories since I have always wanted to illustrate stories and the theme would help me explore a serif font. Serif fonts are special since that is where the web fonts originally came from. Each Suite will be a folktale from a different part of India. North, South, East, and West. The stories will be simple clear and accompanied by illustrations while exploring typography in depth.


The reason I went with this font is that I want my theme to have the feeling of reading an old book, an ancient tale told to kids. Caslon fits perfectly as it is a serif font and has been used in various storybooks throughout history.
The type also has a lot of distinct characteristics that I explored.

Fireside Stories- The deck

The Stories

I wrote the stories in simplified forms and distributed it across each suite so it reads well as a whole deck. The stories are

  1. From the north of India, written in Kashmir comes a tale of friendship and fantasy.
    Vikram and Betal
  2. From the southern lands of Karnataka is the story of Nakula a story of how hasty decisions can have bad consequences.
  3. From the east state of Arunachal Pradesh is the story of Bhoomi a beautiful story of
    love and creation.
  4. From the West comes a story of wisdom and cleverness in the most unusual form of a bird. Kalia the clever crow

Visual Development

Orange is a color that is an important part of the Indian flag and is commonly seen in the country’s history . I used one of my older drawings to set the theme for a vibrant set of cards that would be a combination on orange, black and offwhite.

this is an illustration I made to test if the colors were working well together


I researched various Kings, Queens, Folktales, and comics from India to come up with Illustrations for My deck. I wanted them to be detailed so that they add richness to the beautiful font that Caslon is. Here are a look at my roughs and some of my completed sketches.


I differentiated the story from caslon features using colors. Everything that is a part of the story is black and orange is the section that talks about the font.

The entire breakdown can be read in detail here

Augmented Reality Integration

I developed this project further and made it interactive. I integrated the cards with an AR feature. When the card is scanned using the AR app Roar. A short video of the story being told will be played. This is in the prototype phase and works only for the heart deck as of now, but eventually, animated videos would be made for all the stories.

Thank you

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